It’s quite a vulnerable position to publish poetry like this. These were written in the moment and not always intended to be shared. They may not even be how I really feel about something today. They can be emotional and/or reactionary. They can be a lot of things. But one thing I never want them to be is silent. So here’s a collection of some of the poems I’ve written over the years.

Sorry the page is JUST WORDS. I intentionally didn’t put images above, below or next to the poems because I want you to conjure your own images rather than something I found on a stock image site just to add some color to the page.


Inside The Box

This is the box in which I live. 
Many are like it in look and feel, but 
mine has breath, which makes it real. 
It has a life I like. Protected. Alright. 

Since we were small we’ve seen it all. 
AM. PM. You can see ’em. 
Brain dead. Wasted. Indian style. 
Tilted. Jilted. Just for a while. 

Something moved over there. Did you see that? 
Popcorn to pretzels to Pepsis to fat. 
Lights dim when you walk in. Snap! 
What was that? 

Now I can swivel, snivel and stare. 
My soul is bare. Nothing up here. Or here. 
I go to bed when my head is dead. 

This is my playgound. Boxed, not round. 
I don’t hate you. I embrace you. Because 
I live inside you. What can I do? 
I’m bitchin’ and mopin’, but look— 
The flaps are open.


A Wall Without Windows

Surely, the only logical conclusion 
Was to shout: 

“Bobby, quit building the wall 
and come see me.” 

But he pressed on with his blockade. 
My vision blurred, my soul deterred, 
I went my own way. 

That fence cost me a friend.


Wednesday Afternoon

Quiet bees 
Paint by number. 
Darkness rise, darkness fall, 
All for one and one for all. 
A king’s ledger for life 
In trade. Strife in trade. 
Still, motions made. 
Near tears 
By years of wear, 
Yet I — 
I can peek through the glass 
A cock-eyed glance of fate. 
Hope hits the wall 
And hangs… And hangs… 
Whispered voices 
Call on sweeping arms to gallop. 
Redundant. So true. 
Please be here tomorrow. 
I will be here too.


What Happened?

Shiny, silver state of confusion. 
Days of delusion. 
Acts of contrition without nutrition. 

You beg for me, I beg for you. 
Nothing can break the bond 
of a man and his organ. 

Sweet, sweet music. 

My heart goes to my liver, 
Thoughts rush to my hands, 
Impulse turns to rage 
And I unlock my cage. 

This isn’t how it was supposed 
to be. I’m tired now. I think 
I’ll nap first, then lay down 
on my bed of ash.


Murky thoughts on matters not

I wish I were a forest ranger 
with a green Jeep Renegade and 
keyless entry. My eyes wander along 
the mountain passes while a hooded veil 
frees me from the fire. Sanctimonious 
bitch. Don’t tackle the odometer until 
you’re sure there’s love at the end. 
Break, don’t bend my long lost friend. 

I’d eat the poison berries that I find 
on a cold, forgotten trail. Mister Hammer, 
meet Nail. Size often dictates the master 
and the mistress, yet here we see the 
great expanse under our control. Utterly 
frozen like a straw saving breath for the 
iceboy. Untether your emotions, and try to 
let the Renegade speed away. 

Unbeknownst to all, I am instead a chef, 
and my instruments of disdain are elsewhere.


Viewing pleasure

Entertain me. For I am 


to make love to the layers of life 
I’ve yet to peel. Take me under 
your feathered wing and show me. 


is not the sole purpose for my viewing, 
and I forgive those who trespass against 
me. But temptation? In fact, isn’t that 
why I’m here? That, and a little 

ment on the side?


Ho Hum

I feel nothing as I react through life. 
Cold is but a monitor of degree. Stated, 
Overrated, Simplified for reasoning. 
See my shadow unload its skin for lack of depth. 
I am not a holder, nor am I to be held. 
Wake me at the altar.
