I like to write, that’s why I’m here.
I’m just a middle-aged dude facing his mortality and thinking “Well, hell, I have to write some of these crazy thoughts down and get them OUT.” So again, that’s why I’m here. Digital Diary of a Madman, I suppose.
These days my time is consumed by my work (which is Marketing at a large public company; I’m not hiding who it is, you can click the LinkedIn button at the bottom to learn more about that), my family, my teams, and a bunch of random interests that intersect at the corners of “Why” and “How”.
I grew up on the north shore of Boston, Massachusetts and love my local teams: Bruins, Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox (alphabetically so as to not choose a favorite). I started college at UMass Amherst and transferred after a couple years to SMU in Dallas, TX. So I now have two more teams to root for.
My time in Dallas was some of the most fun years of my life and I’ll always cherish them. In fact, I’ve considered moving back a thousand times. But my wife and I moved back to Massachusetts after deciding to start a family of our own, and at this point it’s probably a bit too late to start over in Dallas. My next move is either going to be retirement or funeral home, not sure which one yet.
For 20 years now I’ve been in Dad mode, running from sports games and dance recitals and school activities and college move-in/move-outs. Great kids, excellent times, amazing people met along the way. 10-of-10, would recommend. Wouldn’t change a thing.

My wife and I are now looking forward to some traveling and seeing/doing things we’ve put off for 20 years while being all-in as mom and dad. We married relatively young (25). Had a family at 29. Time to put in some “me time” while still enjoying and looking forward to “us time”.
On any given night you’ll see me outside playing with my dog. I have a yellow lab named Willie. He’s a great fetcher but not so great of a returner. We’re working on that. Anyway, I’m usually checking on the scores or reading about my teams and searching for the dark underbelly of the internet by night.
I have a stable of race horses that I’m proud of and passionate about. I’ve got a few stories about that you read throughout the blog. And you can see the RacingStables page here. But I’m always tracking their progress and following workouts and waiting anxiously for race days.
And finally, I write. As a kid I used to write stories all the time. I’d write scripts for movies and tv shows that I thought would be fun or funny. I wrote cartoons and essays and one-liners. When I got to college I realized that I wanted to write ads and tv commercials. I didn’t have the attention span to write longer things. I loved the short, powerful messages. It also meant you could throw away the rules of grammar that we were taught in schools. No one-word sentences? Tough. No one-sentence paragraphs?
In advertising you can write any way you want as long as you’re clearly communicating the message. In fact, the more conversational the tone the better it is. So that’s how I write. I hope you enjoy it.
Here are a couple fun ads from half-a-lifetime ago it seems. Ads for Jose’s Mexican Restaurant in Cambridge, MA.
Good times…
So that’s me in a nutshell, folks:
- Family
- Work
- Teams
- Horses
- Writing weird stuff
Yep, I guess that’s it.
Enjoy the blog.