Master juggler? Or just a clown?

Tis the season for too much going on at once.

My teams are all in action (except the Red Sox). My college teams are playing regular season games or late-season/playoff games. Work hasn’t stopped to let anyone catch a breath since COVID slowed down. And the holidays are about to hit everyone square in the face.

There’s less “personal time” to just sit, write, reflect, learn, recharge, read, etc. All those things that allow the body and mind to recover or reload for the NEXT big thing, whatever that may be.

So just a quick shout-out here since I hadn’t posted in a while to all the people who are just like me, who take on too many things, get passionate about new things all the time, challenge themselves to get better every day, and yet don’t have the focus or discipline to know when a lot becomes too much.

There’s no such thing as too much. Only too much right this second. There is a time for everything, until time runs out (if you get my drift, and then it doesn’t matter). Do that thing you’ve put off. Learn that thing you didn’t think you could do. Watch that game you wanted to watch. Buy the ticket you couldn’t afford. See that friend you haven’t seen. Eat the bad stuff and drink the good stuff, all in moderation of course.

And when you look back, realize that you tried to do it all whether you accomplished it all or not.

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