Microsoft’s latest conflict of interest?

This morning I read about Microsoft’s “fastest growing business line” being their cybersecurity solutions. It makes sense, after all, because Microsoft is so ingrained into the corporate world that OF COURSE they must offer some kind of protection for their software and services.

But here’s the catch: isn’t there incentive then for Microsoft to develop less-than-perfect software in order for it to be exploited, therefore creating business opportunity for its cybersecurity teams? I mean, it’s a little suspect at least, don’t you think? And, if this were ever the case and the developers who were leaving some potential exposures in their code, they would already know how to fix it because they knew where the cracks were, so of course Microsoft could come in and look like the heroes.

Yes, it’s a conspiracy theory. No, I’m not usually a conspiracy theory guy (well, sometimes, maybe). It just feels a bit like potential double-dipping to me. Sort of like an expensive private school also offering expensive tutoring services. Dammit, I expect really good teaching for that amount of money. And if the teaching is so good, why would I need additional tutoring?

CEO Satya Nadella noted that Microsoft is the “only company with integrated, end-to-end tools spanning identity, security, compliance, device management, and privacy.” He went on to say that its system is trained on over 65 trillion signals each day, and the company is “taking share across all the major categories we serve.”

It’s a natural extension for Microsoft to go after for their business and I’m sure they will be successful at it. The global cybersecurity market could grow to $2 Trillion within the next five years, 10X it’s present value.

I’m not sure if that means invest in Microsoft or find another company offering similar services at a cheaper stock price and cross your fingers. I do know this: $MSFT is up 50% YTD already (as of this writing on 16-July-2023).

I’m no financial advisor. You can make your own conclusions. Maybe we’re too late. Or maybe it’s just the beginning.

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