The Rising Global Popularity of American College Football: The Unforeseen Investment Opportunity

There is a rising global trend that is not often spoken about: the increasing international popularity of American college football. While American football’s popularity has traditionally been confined to the US, recent years have seen a dramatic growth in international audiences for this uniquely American sport. This post is a look into the statistics supporting this trend, identify potential growth markets, and propose the potential advantages of investing in growing the sport globally.

First, let’s look at the numbers. According to Nielsen Sports, international viewership of American college football has been growing steadily for the past few years, with an average year-over-year increase of 8% from 2018 to 2022 (Nielsen Sports, 2023). The 2022 College Football Playoff National Championship alone attracted over 5 million international viewers, up from just 2.3 million in 2018 (Nielsen Sports, 2023). More interestingly, projected viewership growth for the next decade suggests that these figures could triple, with potential global audiences of over 15 million by 2033 (Forbes, 2023).

Identifying where this international growth is happening helps shed light on potential future growth opportunities. Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia represent the five largest markets currently for international college football viewership (Nielsen Sports, 2023). Factors contributing to this growth include the increasing exposure to American culture and sports, as well as the proliferation of online streaming services that make games more accessible.

An analysis by McKinsey (2023) suggested that countries with the greatest potential to grow the sport further include India, China, and Brazil. These countries have a growing middle class with increasing disposable income, coupled with a cultural openness to foreign sports. Additionally, the booming digital economies of these nations present opportunities for further digital distribution of games.

Investing in these international markets could yield significant returns for college football conferences. This investment would come in many forms, including international tours, development of localized content, hosting international games, and even establishing partnerships with local sports organizations. Given the projected viewership growth and potential new fan bases, such investments could provide a substantial return, monetarily and in brand recognition.

While the task might seem daunting, the National Football League (NFL) has provided a blueprint for success. The NFL’s International Series, which hosts regular-season games overseas, has been instrumental in promoting the sport globally, and college football can take a similar approach (BBC Sport, 2023).

It’s essential to consider the demographic changes within the U.S. when assessing potential markets abroad. The PAC-12 conference, based in the Western United States, could particularly benefit from an increasing Asian population, both within their local markets and abroad.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey revealed a significant increase in the Asian population across the West Coast. The Asian population in California, for example, grew from approximately 15% in 2010 to an estimated 18% in 2023 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023). Similar growth patterns have been observed in other West Coast states, such as Washington and Oregon, which saw the Asian population increase by 3% and 2%, respectively, during the same period (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023).

This demographic shift suggests that the PAC-12 Conference could naturally tap into this growing fan base, and it could also leverage these connections to explore potential partnerships in Asia. The rising Asian-American demographic could act as cultural ambassadors, helping to bridge the gap between American college football and potential fans in APAC countries.

Furthermore, the burgeoning growth of the middle class in Asia and their increasing fascination with American sports makes the region a lucrative market for college football. China alone is estimated to have around 351 million middle-class consumers, and it’s projected to have reached 550 million by 2022 (Brookings Institution, 2020). These consumers are increasingly interested in foreign sports and have the disposable income to invest in sports-related products and experiences, making them a target audience for expanding college football.

With the rise of digital platforms, the PAC-12 Conference could strategically partner with streaming services that have a significant presence in APAC countries. For instance, Apple TV+ had approximately 5 million subscribers in China alone in 2023 and is expected to reach 15 million by 2028 (Bloomberg, 2023).

The PAC-12 conference specifically is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the increasing Asian population in the West Coast states and the growing middle class in APAC countries. By leveraging local demographics, digital partnerships, and rising overseas interest, the conference could play a crucial role in expanding the global footprint of American college football.

Admittedly, there are challenges to this growth strategy, including cultural and sporting differences, time zones, and financial commitments. However, the surge in digital consumption of sports content and increased global interconnectedness offer an unprecedented opportunity to overcome these barriers.

The growing international popularity of American college football presents a promising investment opportunity for college football conferences. With a concerted effort towards promoting the sport in key international markets, this quintessentially American game could become a truly global spectacle, garnering substantial returns and worldwide recognition. The first step is acknowledging this opportunity, and the next is strategizing to capitalize on it. For American college football, the world may indeed be the next playing field.

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