The silence from Disney is the right thing to say

Without getting into the politics of Disney vs. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, I find it inspiring that Disney chose to take a stand for a social issue its leadership team (and culture) felt was important to defend: inclusion and equity. 

It may not have won the political battle, but Disney is smart to limit its public comment right now. The company and its theme parks will far outlast any single politician and any trend in right-wing or left-wing political views. 

What will never go away is the need to speak up for under-represented groups, or to fight for what you believe in and not just what’s good for business (or for image, or for political gain). We all know Disney is more than just a business or a theme park for millions of people. It’s a lifestyle. A community. A unique and “magical” escape where everyone is equal and treated like a king or a queen — or a prince and a princess. 

Disney doesn’t need to respond to Florida politics. It needs to continue to make its community feel good about themselves while enjoying the Disney experience.

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