Time magazine’s Best Inventions of 2022

Every year for more than two decades, Time magazine editors have published a list of the 100 most impactful new products and ideas. This year, however, innovation really boomed. So in 2022, for the first time ever, they have selected the year’s 200 Best Inventions.

The selections span a wide range of product categories, including:

  • Accessibility
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Apps & Software
  • Automotive
  • Beauty
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Design
  • Entertainment & Gaming
  • Experimental
  • Food & Drink
  • Green Energy
  • Household
  • Medical Care
  • Metaverse
  • Outdoors
  • Parenting
  • Productivity
  • Robotics
  • Social Good
  • Style
  • Sustainability
  • Toys & Play
  • Transportation
  • Virtual Reality (AR & VR)
  • Wellness
  • “Special Mention”

From telemedicine for your pet, to a solar-powered electric vehicle, to audio devices that help you multi-task, to biosensors that let you know when you need to hydrate. It’s an amazing world of new products and technologies – and people turning their ideas into reality! 

Check out the list of 200 Inventions at https://time.com/best-inventions-2022.

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