Where there’s smoke there’s fire: a real climate crisis pun

Is anyone paying attention to the news?

I don’t mean the talking heads barking about January 6th hearings and the guy who used to be president, and I definitely don’t mean the type that’s critiquing gowns and tuxes on red carpets.

The news that shows record temperatures and droughts around the world; the crazy hurricane and tornado patterns; wildfires raging out of control; epic floods and rising tides; and today’s reports that experts are now warning of a potential megaflood in California that could impact millions of Americans.

The earth is trying to tell us something. Scientists are studying what’s happening and why. Journalists are reporting what’s happening.

Rather than hearing the chatter we’re celebrating Greek life at Alabama on TikTok, tuning-in to fixer-upper shows, arguing about FBI raids, and examining the start of football season.

Hey, everyone has choices to make.

But really, there are signs of some bad stuff on the horizon. The chatter is getting louder. People have decoded pieces-parts of the clues.

Some will tell you it’s just part of the earth’s ongoing cycle and not a big deal. You can choose to believe that, I guess.

Others will tell you that certain doom is inevitable. Listen to them with caution.

And others will tell you that if we just curb some habits that may be causing or exacerbating these issues we can reverse a trend.

I like this last group of soothsayers. Let’s address a few problems we’ve created for ourselves and perhaps avoid some destruction. Fewer storms, fewer fires, fewer floods, fewer droughts, fewer lives lost.

Natural events are always going to happen. We can’t fight the inevitability of nature. But we CAN stop accelerating bad things from happening. That’s just common sense.

Every generation for 50 years has said they would be the ones to fix it. None have succeeded. Each one has gotten distracted by something: war, economy, technology, entertainment, politics, etc. There’s always something else to watch.

One day we’ll just be little holograms looking at a rusted robot saying “save us Obi Wan, you’re our only hope,” and then running for cover.

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