This morning I read the phrase, “The choice was bigger than you.”
The writer was talking about someone taking a path in life that was apparently more of a calling than a simple decision. It got me to thinking… have I ever had a choice that was bigger than me? Have you? Is that normal? Who gets chosen to be so special about ANYTHING?
I’m intrigued.
I’ve heard people reference this concept when they talk about religion or joining the clergy. Some talk about it when referencing their military career. I suppose it has an element of sacrifice to it, as if they’re saying “I could’ve taken the safer path, or the predicted path, or even the more lucrative path, but this is something that just called to me. I had to do this despite all other logic.”
I don’t think being in marketing is a calling. It’s a choice I made based on something I enjoyed and was reasonably good at. I’m going to write about how I got into that in a separate post one day. But a calling? No. It’s fun, challenging, interesting, pays the bills and puts food on the table.
I’m also curious to know how many of those people had “a calling” and then ended up bailing on it:
“Yeah, those 12 years in the priesthood were rewarding and reflective and I enjoyed working with the poor and all, but I’m done. Time to make some cash and meet the ladies.”
Parenting and music are a couple more things I could see people say was a calling. Some women (and some Dads) who give up careers to stay home and raise their kids may say it was a calling, something they’ve always felt drawn to or compelled to do. And musicians — I suppose artists of all sorts — may have given up other lifestyles to pursue one that was a dream, even if more of a longshot to support themselves long-term.
Teachers? Social workers? Doctors and nurses? First responders?
And is it really some type of calling, or is just a dream or a response to something that makes you feel good. Helping others feels good. Entertaining others feels good. Does a calling have to be an “others over self” endeavor? Can it be self-pleasing, even if below the surface?
Who knows… maybe I’m just jealous because I haven’t felt that strongly about something, at least in a career choice or lifestyle choice. I’ve never been a “hate it cuz I ain’t it” kind of guy. I’m more of a turn-the-head-sideways-and-stare guy because I’m genuinely curious about what makes other people tick.
And it’s never too late to change and re-invent. If I do suddenly get this calling, I hope I don’t send it straight to voicemail.
Maybe someone (or something) has been trying to get in touch with me after all.
Feel free to share your calling(s), at least those you’ve responded to.