Right To Choose

Who or what protects your right to make decisions about your healthcare: the US Constitution or the rules of the state in which you reside?

Let’s pretend for a minute we’re all adults here and able to act and reasonably debate serious topics like adults. You may have a lot of responsibility in life and you may have a lot of decisions you make every day. You probably take it for granted that you have the freedom to make those decisions, whatever they may be.

But think for a minute if you DIDN’T have the freedom to decide. Think if you didn’t have the freedom to make a choice that was in your best interest (physically, emotionally, financially) or your families’ best interest. Well, if you’re not making that choice, who is?

Pete Buttigieg said it very well back while he was running for President. Some women (and some families) have absolutely unthinkable decisions to make about a pregnancy, especially in the 3rd trimester after having planned for a baby, bought a crib, decided upon a name. These decisions aren’t made lightly. But they’re individual choices that have to be made. Give it a listen.

Rather than restrict a woman’s ability to make difficult choices, let’s just support them in whatever they choose.

Abortion is an individual healthcare decision. It’s not a moral issue (leave church doctrine out of this because not everyone goes to your church). It’s not a homicide – the fetus isn’t considered physically in existence by any country on earth when counting populations. It is and should remain a healthcare decision made by an individual, potentially with consultation of those she chooses to ask for guidance.

The U.S. Constitution should federally protect a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions, including the decision to terminate a pregnancy at any point. This is a philosophical matter of free will and personal liberty. To not give women this ability is to not give them free will and personal liberty, which ultimately makes them less than full citizens. The Supreme Court screwed up on this decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, big time. Now it’s time to fix the mistake.

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